How myHoval Works > Quote
If you don't see any offers, it means that you have not yet requested any offers in the e-business area. In your myHoval account you currently only see offers that have been requested in the e-business area. All other offers will be available in your myHoval account at a later date.
After we have reviewed your request internally, the status of the quote will change from 'Requested' to 'Valid'. Only from this point on will all associated documents be available in your myHoval account.
Whether a quote can be ordered depends on the status. After we have reviewed your request internally, the status of the quote will change from 'Requested' to 'Valid'. You can only order the quote from this point onwards. If the status of a quote is 'Cancelled', it can no longer be ordered.
As soon as the status of the quote is 'Valid', you will find the additional documents directly below the 'Order' | buttons 'Reject offer' | 'Download quote'.
A quote can have the following statuses:
Requested: You have requested products, the quote is saved in your myHoval account and in our system
Valid: Your request has been verified by us
Ordered: You have ordered the quote
Cancelled: The offer has been cancelled or is no longer valid
Currently, it's not possible to edit quotes in e-business. We're actively working to enable this service for you as soon as we can. In the meantime, please get in touch with your designated Hoval contact person for any required changes.
With this function, your product selection is saved both in your myHoval account and in our system. If you have any questions, our employees can offer you information and assistance at any time - simply refer to the offer number or the reference.
You can find the Datanorm documents in the download area under “Services” –
– Download.
With this function, your product selection is saved exclusively in your myHoval account. Shopping basket templates therefore have no numbers, only the names you specify. If you have any questions about shopping basket templates, our Hoval employees cannot help you because they cannot see the items for these documents. You can find more information about shopping basket templates here.