Adjust temperatures as required in your warehouse or logistics centre

Warehouses and logistics centres need to be kept at the right temperature – with solutions that can both maintain temperatures at a constant level and vary them when required.
When various products are stored, picked or distributed in halls, it is essential to have different climate zones for the individual areas. Hoval offers an optimal and customised air-conditioning solution for your warehouses and logistics centres that is not only space-saving and simple to maintain, as it is accessible via the roof, but also distributes the conditioned air to the various zones as required. At the same time, the high heat output and cooling capacity means that you can get by with fewer units in total.
For air conditioning in warehouses and logistics centres, Hoval can provide solutions with both central and decentralised heat and cold supply using heat pumps. From new buildings to renovations, Hoval offers the right solution for your warehouse. And if you decide to expand your hall because you need more storage space, the system easily be extended with additional units and control zones.The Hoval experts will be happy to help you plan and implement custom solutions for ventilation and air conditioning in your warehouses and logistics centres.