Heating for your block of flats – reliable heat for all residents.

Upgrade your block of flats in the long term – with the right heating system.
Heating systems in a block of flats can be complex. One of the sticking points is heat distribution. A well-designed solution from Hoval can reduce the complexity and the costs. After all, with cosy indoor heating, clean air and plenty of domestic hot water, these solutions provide much more than just a heating system for your block of flats. They ensure comfort at home for all residents.
Whether for new buildings or renovations, you can integrate renewable energy sources and provide future-proof home comfort – all at a reasonable cost.
To find the ideal solution for your property, your local installation company and the Hoval team use an innovative product range and their many years of experience and expertise. We will be happy to advise you.
To find the ideal solution for your property, your local installation company and the Hoval team use an innovative product range and their many years of experience and expertise. We will be happy to advise you.