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Ospedale Italiano in Viganello also "warms" the neighbourhood

Ospedale Italiano in Viganello also "warms" the neighbourhood

The new hospital heating plant was equipped with a combined heat and power plant and two gas boilers from Hoval.

  • Healthcare Facility
  • Renovation
  • DHW Generation

Based on the principle of combined heat and power, the natural gas-powered PowerBloc EG 140 generates electricity, heating and hot water at the same time. And this with up to 35% less fuel consumption than would be the case with separate production.

The new hospital heating centre, which is equipped with a combined heat and power plant (CHP) and two gas boilers from Hoval, covers the entire energy requirements of the hospital and some neighbouring buildings. The head office was built by AIL SA together with the cantonal hospital authority. The parties involved expect a significant reduction in energy costs. The CHP unit enables the simultaneous generation of electricity, heating and hot water – with significantly lower gas fuel consumption. This is not only good for the budget, but also for the environment.

The CHP is fully controlled by a remote management system and monitored 24 hours a day. It can generate 750,000 kWh of electricity per year at about 5400 hours of operation, which would be enough for the needs of about 165 households. The new heating plant with CHP will not only be able to meet the needs of the Ospedale Italiano: it is already designed to supply other buildings in the area via the expanding district heating network.