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Combined heat and power plant uses waste heat from electricity generation

Combined heat and power plant uses waste heat from electricity generation

The well-thought-out Tic Tric Trac business park in Zurich aims to combine urban life with wild nature. Energy technology is also smart: the Hoval combined heat and power plant makes maximum fuel use possible.

  • Office Building
  • New Building
  • DHW Generation

On behalf of the client Swiss Life AG, a remarkable property has been created. 28,000 m² of main floor space is offered by the Tic Tric Trac business park. The meeting place is the creative mall, which connects the three buildings on the 1st floor and offers space for ideas and events. All of this should be efficiently supplied with electricity and heat. The modular Hoval PowerBloc EG 140 combined heat and power plant is used – together with a solar thermal system and a gas boiler. If solar energy is not sufficient, the natural gas-powered CHP unit is used. The gas boiler guarantees a full supply – even during peak demand.

Extremely low exhaust emissions – out of responsibility towards the environment

Energy costs can be significantly reduced because a subset of heat and electricity is produced directly on site: The inexpensive self-generated electricity does not have to be purchased at a high price, and the waste heat generated during electricity production does not simply fizzle out (as is the case in large-scale thermal power plants), but is used directly to heat the buildings and heat the domestic hot water. At the same time, this also protects the environment. In addition, if necessary, an absorption chiller converts heat to cold and thus cools the building. As a result, the CHP unit also benefits from a longer service life and thus becomes even more economical. The exhaust emission limits are very strict – and the PowerBloc EG 140 even undercuts them by far. All in the interests of the environment.