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Use solar energy, the most powerful energy source in the world.

With more than 75 years of experience, Hoval is the right partner when it comes to heating, ventilation and cooling. We provide a comfortable climate.

The energy of the future comes from the sun.

As a free, zero-emission energy source, the sun is central to our future energy supply. It offers enormous potential. Solar plants can be used for domestic hot water and for heating in practically any building. This is because thermal solar plants are the most efficient way of directly exploiting the power of the sun in terms of cost-effectiveness and environmental performance. If you cover a large proportion of your heating needs with clean solar energy, you will be less dependent on rising energy prices and uncertain raw material markets. By having your own solar plant, you will reduce fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emissions – and save money over time while enjoying maximum comfort at home.


The sun is a natural and inexhaustible source of energy – over the long term, it helps to meet global demand for heating and electricity. Good for the climate: the use of zero-emission solar energy reduces fuel consumption and CO2.

From a single source

Hoval solar energy systems are ready-to-install, complete solutions – individually designed to achieve the highest possible efficiency and perfect integration in the heating system. A sophisticated combination of high-quality individual components from a single supplier.

Free energy

By using free solar energy to heat water and support the heating system, you will conserve resources and reduce energy costs. With the smart control from Hoval, the system will be able to obtain the maximum power from the sun.

The solar plant enables us to reduce our heating costs and takes some of the load off the heating system.

Hoval solar plant owner, Austria

What is the best way to utilise solar energy?

Solar thermal energy involves using solar collectors to generate heat for domestic hot water and to support the heating system. The most cost-effective solution is to use the free solar energy to heat up water directly. Hoval solar energy systems meet up to 80% of annual demand for household water heating. You will achieve an even better ecological balance in the building and the solar plant will pay off faster if the solar thermal energy also supports the heating system. A buffer storage tank ensures that surplus solar energy is stored for less sunny days, which supports the heating system, increases efficiency and reduces costs.

Custom solutions: solar energy systems for every building

Now matter how small the household or how large the property, it is always worth using the free, ecological energy of the sun. Hoval specialises in the optimal integration of solar thermal energy into heating systems in new buildings and renovation projects. Its range covers everything from ready-to-install solar collectors to individual complete solutions with perfectly calibrated system components from a single supplier. When planning the ideal system for your building, the energy demand, the savings potential for heating costs and the technical requirements are analysed in detail. The solar experts at Hoval will be happy to advise you.

Is the roof suitable for solar thermal energy?
For sun collector installation, flat roofs and roof surfaces with a slope of up to 60 degrees are suitable and should face in a southerly, south-easterly or south-westerly direction and should be in the sun all year round. Facades can be used to obtain energy in the autumn and winter. A solar plant can also be installed retrospectively without any problems in most old buildings. 

Do I need planning permission for a solar energy system?
In many cases, small systems do not require planning permission, but regulations differ from region to region. Your Hoval partner will know what requirements and funding apply in your municipality or state. 

How big does my collector area need to be?

In order to generate most of the domestic hot water required in a four-person household, you need 4 to 6 m2 of solar collectors. If you also want to use the solar plant to support the heating system, a single-family home needs collectors with an area of 10 to 15 m2. Larger buildings require a custom design. The Hoval experts will be happy to help you choose the ideal dimensions.

And when the sun isn’t shining – will I have to have a cold shower?

From April to September, it is usually possible to generate 100% of the domestic hot water from solar energy. The water heated by solar energy is collected in the Hoval storage tank to even out any fluctuations in consumption and the weather. The storage capacity is approximately double the daily domestic hot water requirement for the entire household. If the solar energy obtained in winter or in bad weather is insufficient, the heating system or an integrated electric heating element automatically heats the domestic water to the necessary temperature. The entire system is easy to control via the Hoval TopTronic controller. This ensures that there is adequate domestic hot water available every season and in all weather.

Solar plants generate energy with the help of the sun. Hoval systems store the energy effectively to ensure there is enough on cloudy days too.

UltraSol 2 solar collectors. Top technology and appearance

Whether they are inconspicuously integrated in roofs or mounted as design elements on buildings or in the garden – the ready-to-install Hoval sun collectors can be flexibly installed as part of new building or renovation projects. Sophisticated mounting sets with four connections are available to ensure straightforward in-roof, rooftop, flat-roof or facade installation. High-quality aluminium profiles and weather-resistant safety glass guarantee a long service life. All Hoval collectors use full-surface absorbers with a highly selective coating for maximum solar energy yields. The solar heat is transmitted particularly efficiently by the patented WLT heat conduction technology. In this way, the UltraSol 2 high-output flat plate collector is the ideal supplement for resource-saving heating systems.

More than the sum of their parts: system solutions from Hoval

What do you need in addition to the solar collectors so that you can use the solar energy in your home? In a single-family home, you need the collectors as well as a domestic hot water storage tank with integrated valves or a combination storage tank if you also want to use the solar thermal energy to support the heating system. In addition, you will need a heat generator such as a boiler or heat pump. The intelligent system controller from Hoval controls the entire system. More complex systems use optional energy buffer storage tanks and fresh water modules. 

In Hoval system solutions, all of the components are perfectly calibrated and contribute to the most efficient use of energy possible. This sophisticated technology is also easy to install and to operate. Solar technology from Hoval can be combined in a flexible way with all new or existing heating systems. 

VarioVal combination storage tank for heating and domestic hot water

The VarioVal combination storage tank combines two functions: storage of domestic hot water and heating. The top section of the unit is used to store raw water at a high temperature, while the middle of the unit keeps the hot water at the ideal temperature. The VarioVal storage tanks from Hoval save energy by offering highly stable temperature stratification. 
Water can be taken from different heating layers according to needs. The benefits include the high efficiency of the heating system, which reduces operating costs, as well as the rapid provision of domestic hot water for the household. Virtually all models are also equipped with a coil for the solar plant.

Is funding available for solar energy systems?

There are numerous sources of funding for climate-friendly and energy-efficient heating technologies. Financial support is available at a federal, cantonal and municipal level for new heating systems. Together with our specialist partners, we can clarify which incentives you could benefit from. Contact Hoval for free, no-obligation advice.

Enjoy an all-round feeling of comfort with Hoval TopSafe

A maintenance agreement that suits your personal safety needs. Our service packages protect your investment and allow you to benefit from a safe, reliable heating system. The Hoval experts inspect the status of your system and optimise its settings. Our comprehensive service network means we always have experts exactly where they are needed. If your solar plant is running correctly, you will save energy and money. Regular maintenance will prevent faults and extend your solar plant’s service life – another contribution to a sustainable heating system.

Unsere Referenzen. Solaranlagen in der Praxis. (1)