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Hoval ensures perfect temperatures in the glass house

Hoval ensures perfect temperatures in the glass house

Since 1929, the Doll art nursery has been designing works of art from plants. The historic glass houses place special demands on a heating system.

  • Other building
  • Renovation
  • Gas
Hoval equipped the glass houses with the UltraGas heating system and the TopVent hall air conditioning system.

The Doll art nursery delivers flowers and plants all over the world. They have not only been the house-and-court decorator of the Vienna Opera Ball for 20 years, but have also organised UEFA events and various festivities on the Côte d'Azur. The artworks are created from flowers at the company's location in Nonntal near Salzburg. After 30 years, the original heating system no longer met today's requirements. For this reason, nursery owner Jörg Doll opted for a modern system solution from Hoval. 

"On the recommendation of our in-house technician from Matousch GmbH, we decided to integrate a Hoval UltraGas heating system and the TopVent hall air conditioning system."

The circulating air system and the gas heating system with state-of-the-art condensing boiler technology went into operation in September 2018.

Glass house with special requirements

The newly installed UltraGas was used to heat the glass houses, which has an area of around 2,500 m2. The elegant glass house halls are 4.5 meters high. The heart of the nursery – the Palm House – reaches up to seven metres high. These circumstances pose a special challenge for every heating system.

"Glass houses do not offer any kind of insulation. Therefore, it requires a particularly powerful heating system that can meet these requirements and keeps the premises warm even in winter."

Mr. Doll adds:

The large variety of plants increases the complexity of the heating system. Depending on the plant, different areas require different temperatures.
Based on the intuitive TopTronic control from Hoval, Mr. Doll can simply control the UltraGas boiler himself. The total of 19 TopVent Air Heaters transport the heat produced to where it is needed. This allows Mr. Doll different temperatures in different areas of the glass house.
The ability to control them easily was a crucial point for me when choosing a heater.

Reliable heating system thanks to double boiler

The heating phase in the Doll nursery runs from September to about May. Depending on requirements, the glass houses are heated to between three and 17 degrees Celsius in winter. The combination of two UltraGas boilers into one double boiler ensures even greater operational reliability. In the event of a possible failure of one boiler, the second takes over without any problems. Mr. Doll demands the smooth functionality of his heating and hall air conditioning system to ensure perfect temperatures for his plants and customers in the glass houses.