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Are heat pumps coming of age?

Are heat pumps coming of age?

Over the last couple of years, we’ve seen a significant upsurge in the promotion of heat pumps as an alternative to gas-fired boilers. The focus has mainly been on the domestic sector, where it’s estimated that up to 65,000 will be installed this year.

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However, this also has significance for specifiers and installers operating in the commercial and industrial sectors.

Undoubtedly, there are challenges. In the domestic sector, where the heat pump would be sole heat source, the ‘leakiness’ of the building and size of heat emitters is an issue. In larger applications, it is far more common to include heat pumps in a mix of different heat sources.

This situation greatly increases the potential for heat pumps to make a meaningful contribution to reducing carbon emissions in commercial and industrial premises. However, delivering optimum performance requires some specifiers and installers to increase their knowledge of this technology and how best to apply it alongside other heat sources.

In our view, this will best be achieved by working closely with manufacturers that have the necessary knowledge. Such knowledge needs to go beyond heat pumps to encompass a wide range of heat sources, in terms of system design, integration of technologies and ongoing control of the entire system.

Armed with such knowledge, specifiers and installers will be equipped to provide their customers with the best solution, taking account of all variables.

This approach, we believe, will greatly improve the viability of heat pumps in commercial and industrial applications. That’s why Hoval has launched a powerful new range of Belaria fit air/water heat pumps, specifically designed for systems with high outputs and a high proportion of renewable energies.

Alongside this launch we are greatly expanding heat pump production, in anticipation of the growing demand.

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