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Climate-friendly heating with wood: reasons for pellet heating

Climate-friendly heating with wood: reasons for pellet heating

More sustainable than gas, cheaper than oil, more suitable for old buildings than heat pumps – a pellet heating system scores in many ways. Sustainably produced pellets make a good contribution to climate protection.

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Whether building a new school or renovating an old museum – the right heating system needs to be well thought out and professionally planned. Acquisition costs, subsidies, fuel requirements, maintenance costs, space conditions, comfort and environmental aspects play a role in this important decision for the future. In many cases, pellet heating proves to be the ideal solution. The most important advantages can be found here:

Economical operation

Pellet heating systems can impress with their economical operation.

Wood pellets have proven to be a stable, inexpensive fuel. While the maintenance costs are comparable to those of oil or gas heating systems, the costs for the annual demand for pellets are constantly below those for heating oil, gas or electricity. The efficiency of the technology has been increased to a maximum in recent years – this applies to both the quality of the pellets and the efficiency of the pellet boilers.

Excellent environmental performance

High-quality pellets ensure a good carbon footprint.

Pellets are pressed into shape from wood residues that are produced in sawmills, for example, without additives. Thus, with comparatively little energy expenditure, a natural fuel with an extraordinarily high energy density is created from a waste product. Biomass heating with pellets is classed as low-emission and CO2-neutral. It is important to aim for high-quality pellets from sustainable production with short transport routes.

Easy comfort

Regular servicing provides efficient and economical operation of a pellet boiler.
The pellet heating works fully automatically. With the electronic system control, the settings for the desired comfort and energy-saving operation can be individually adjusted. From time to time, the ash box needs to be emptied. A regular service by Hoval's customer service enables efficient and economical

When older buildings are due to be renovated, pellet heating is often the ideal successor to fossil central heating. Where the oil tanks have become obsolete, now is the perfect time to replace with pellet storage. An old oil boiler can then easily be replaced by a pellet boiler, such as the STU from Hoval.

Hoval's specialists will be happy to advise you on which solution is best suited to your requirements!

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