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Make sure CHP is G99 compliant

Make sure CHP is G99 compliant

Given the energy waste associated with conventional fossil fuel power stations, there are strong arguments for favouring local power generation close to where the power is being used. 

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Combined heat and power (CHP) is a key element of such a strategy, generating power alongside public distribution networks.

Consequently, it is vital that the CHP units selected can be connected to the electricity distribution infrastructure and this is assured by using CHP plant that complies with the EREC G99 standard.

Issued by the Energy Networks Association, EREC G99 replaced the G59 standard and ensures harmonised network standards (Requirements for Generators) are incorporated into Great Britain’s distribution and grid codes for CHP and other power generators with capacities between 0.8kW and 1MW.

A CHP which has been tested to ensure that the design meets the relevant technical and compliance requirements of EREC G99 can be placed on the Energy Networks Association’s type test register. The register gives specifiers access to a list of products that hold fully compliant status to G99, giving further assurance the correct product is selected. Fully compliant products will not require on site witness testing by domestic network operators.

As a result, specifiers can be assured that G99-compliant CHP units meet all of the technical parameters and considerations relating to connection to the networks of licensed electricity distribution businesses throughout Great Britain.

Further information about Hoval’s CHP range.

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